Swiss Association of New Generation Farming

Located at the heart of Switzerland in the City of Zug the Swiss Association of New Generation Farming (NEGEFA) was foundet in January 2023 with the vision of a world of burden free food production. A Next Gen food production fit for the 21 century, which is scalable, economically viable, flexibel in space and without any negative environmental footprint. 

Make tomorrow proud

With this in mind we set our mission to support the Vertical Farming movement in all ways possible, through education and collaboration, in organization and research. To achive this high set of goals for a true win of our global society.


Claus Hofmann

Sector Board

Patrik Dentsch
Project Fishmaker

Sector Leader
Sea Water Farming
Fürstentum Lichtenstein

Claus Hofmann
Fa. Hofmann International Projects

Sector Leader
Underground Farming

Marc Montandon
Fa. CarbonActive AG

Sector Leader

Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Junge
Ecotechnology Consulting GmbH

Gudrun Nagel
Finances and Investment

Jens Kremer
CEO, DLG International

Tom Zöllner
Co Founder Farm Tech Society (FTS)

Martin Pfister
LBBZ Schluechthof Cham Rektor